14 December 2009

The Walk

I persuaded myself to walk further. The corridor seemed endless. I hadn’t a clue where I was heading, but I knew something at the end of that tunnel invited me. It was a fine stream of light, the one that could only come from something as brilliant as warm sunshine.

My path had been a difficult one. When I started this journey, it was a dark, lonely one. I remember their kind whispers, the loving support… those words that said over and over so they may reach my almost dead heart. They had reached me… how else would I have found the courage to start this journey into the unknown?

Bitter-sweet moments; they didn’t make me cry anymore. I remember everything that had happened. Etched on my heart were secrets untold, and upon revealing, you’d see the person in an entirely new perspective. Memories flashed before my eyes; days of innocent love, sleepless nights filled with strange voids. I remembered certain, strange warmth… I remembered being protected, the magic, the aura… I danced in pure happiness. I remember fears and I remember pushing them aside. I stop. They start hurting again, i mean ... those lovely memories… the lonesome moments here with myself again.


I finally see light at the end of this tunnel and I can tell by the look of it that it’s pure, warm sunshine. I hear their whispers in my ears, the notes of support they chanted to me when getting up and starting was the hardest thing to do. Aimless though it was, I now discover it’s only the beginning that demands most of our courage. Their words echo and I can feel their happiness. I have finally found the light that will show me where I’m heading. I have no regrets… what we had is just been and gone. The moments that made me cry now only bring happiness. I’m happy because it happened. I bring my hand to my heart, whisper my gratitude to the ones who were at my back, telling me they’ll catch me if I fall. My friends, my well wishers, my loved ones… I have come to the light. The tears only made me stronger and I kept your words close to my heart.

This is the end and I already know I have arrived to a new beginning. It’s a wonderful sight. I can see the sun shining, I see the world smiling back to me. I feel loved. Yes, this is my destiny. I’m here people! I’m here and I’m back. The love, the care, the affection… it brought the warm sunshine in me back.

I’ll shine!

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