31 January 2010

Feel So Lost !!!!

With the number 'so lost' by Advaita playing in the background right now, thrs No other song that could better describe my situation right now... the vacuous stare at the screen as I type this post out... with memories, worries, sadness, disillusion all running all over my head... An abyss opens out to me... Don't know what to feel... Don't know if this is what I'd wanted... whether anythings worth it at all... All that I am striving to achieve... Hoping to have in my life... is it worth the peace of my mind that I am loosing right now... and how much more ironical can my life be.... Somehow I've never come to make much of my engineering degree at all... I studied for merely perfunctory reasons and I guess my marks are a reflection of the same.. yup dismal performance is so conspicuous by its presence... Or probably my brains been reduced to a sieve which fails me every time... so much for my hubris... makes me laugh at myself... From the sepia tinged memories of pride to the grime reality of being an absolute nobody... whose so bloody incapable of anything... And the person I'd hoped to hear me out, stand by me appears so far away... So distant... Irony hits you hard you realise... Accepting my inadequacies is becoming a herculean task... adjusting my dreams to their limitations, breaks me... Why is this happening to me? Where did I go so horribly wrong? where is the silver lining? The emptiness engulfs me... when is this this below average existence end? Have I run after all the wrong things in my life? Have I forgotten myself, forgotten valueing myself? Why am I looking for excuses... When will I rise above this all... will I ever?? Its a long road ahead... And I hope the blurry vision will eventually clear out... I hope the blues will fade out to a xanthous sky... I hope to see my nescience finally becoming a thing of the past... and I finally achieving what I truely deserve... I wait... I wait for love.. I wait for happiness... I wait for freedom...

Is it all a dream
What must I believe
Words are never ending
But meanings seem to disappear

A speck inside eternity
I stare into the blue
Don’t know where I’m going
Don’t know where I belong

Trying to find a way to go

Can you hear the emptiness
The silence within
Can you even hear me
I’m calling out to you

Trying to find a way back home
-'So lost' Advaita

13 January 2010


This Song is so enchanting that I can't stop listening to it continuously :) :)


So far away, he is reminded of her
the longest day spent, with beautiful thoughts
and still in heart.. with no words to share
but deep in his heart, she spreads her love.

Smile :)

A smile in his eyes and her heart
whisked them away; far away,
whispering the beats of unknown words
sailing through the winds just for them.

The joy of being together,
as expanding the earths love..
a vision in their hearts
manifests the spark in smiles and longing.

Every time they meet,
they become invisible into one another and
in joy their is nothing more than love
when eyes fall.

In Oneness, they print the art of love
and let the mind vanish
deep inside the heart, where a jewel
is found smiling all over.

All About "L"

Love is a branch twined together,
to grow up with beautiful leaves
and fallen petals.

Life is a tree full of branches,
waiting to grow with nature.

So life is a blend of connection,
starting from the root
and love waits for the right season.

When My Heart Beats With Yours :)

My eyes feasted on your
Heavenly demeanor,
My heart skipped a beat,
I got my reason to live...

The sincere glance of adoration,
Your affectionate smile,
That soft touch of love,
Swept me off my feet...

The world stood still,
When you took my hand
In yours, my heart vowed,
“I am yours, forever...”

I wondered if it was
The magic of the moon light,
Or did the stars enchant us,
That our souls got entangled...

I was always aware,
We were meant to be one,
Our hearts meant to
Beat together, forever....

Love, Oh So Unfathomable !!

Pilfers my slumber away,
Such bizarre is this intense intoxication...
Starling, indeed it is, how,
Bestows upon me, serenity, so divine...
This anxious anticipation.
"If good things do not happen in life, you are destined to have better things."



I had tears…..
You kissed them away.

I had wounds….
You healed them.

I had debts….
You settled them.

I had dreams…..
You turned them real.

I had wishes…..
You fulfilled them.

I had apprehensions……
You removed them.

I had thoughts….
You put them in words.

I had love……
You made it my life.


Being jobless is a big job after all.

Ignoring work, whiling away time are tough things. Especially when you know you have a career to deal with. A lean, just-recovered-from-recession market. Parents who trust you. Friends who idolize you.

To sleep when the world works. To kill time on social networking sites. Listening to sad songs. Writing useless stuff like this.

Man ! I tell you its not easy being lazy.

(Wow!! That rhymes!! Easy….lazy…)