23 October 2009

Life Isn't About !!!


Life isn’t the bundle of roses,

Life isn’t the snow clad ground,

Life isn’t all what you want,

Life isn’t all what you need,

Life isn’t the melody you want to play,

Life isn’t the tune you want to dance to,

Life isn’t the play you direct,

Life isn’t the story you write,

Life isn’t the story you want to narrate,

Life isn’t the dew you wanted to fall on the leaves,

Life isn’t your dream come true,

Life isn’t the morning you desired,

Life isn’t the dusk you wished,

Life isn’t the walk you want to take,

Life isn’t the pages you wanted to read,

Life isn’t the game whose rules you knew,

Life isn’t the guitar tune you wanted to play

Life doesn’t have you as the master,

Life isn’t according to your plans,

Life doesn’t follow your route,

Life isn’t your walk but about your fall,

Life’s isn’t the red rose but the thorns attached,

Life doesn’t believe in happily after,

Life believes in death traps which are rose tinned,

Life isn’t the gamble in your favor,

Life doesn’t want the best for you,

Rather it wants you to choose what can be the best!

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