They say time heals all wounds
Which is true for a broken bone
But can time heal a broken heart
A heart that’s all alone?
It is a myth if you ask me. A myth they keep feeding me and a myth that they always torture me with. No time will heal my wounds. No way will my heart be the same again. Any anniversary of a loved one's demise or a day you sit silently and observe silence for him/her who just walked out of your life, letting you bleed an ocean becomes a crowbar in the calendar that reopens those wounds again. Why commemorate? Are you human? Why do you want to hide the human-ness about you if you are?
What is more accurate to say is that the loss of someone you love creates a permanent hole in your heart that never goes away. No one can make it go away. There is not a single soul without a hole in their heart, in their being. The smiles they smile and the lies they tell to you are just so that you don't keep nagging about 'how it will ruin their life', there are no ruins, there are only holes, a part which has seeped out but amazingly the heal power in humans helps build and fortify the muscle around the hole by focusing on what you still have, what is possible for you and ways you can integrate the memory of your loved one in your life. Amazing?
I cannot flush my past out and be a new born baby again.
I feel and that is how I will feel and love the man who will come in my future to stay.
What is it about the passage of time that leads us to believe that real changes will occur? People are crazy, they know how to use words well only. The passage of time just makes the hurt less because you get so used to living without that which was taken away. If that is how time is said to heal? then yes, time heals all wounds...
...if we only wait long enough!
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