My Dad keeps reminding me that we are what we read. I've read a considerable amount of books so far and I will probably read many more before I die. I have come across many blogs which have been tagged. But my friend Keshi tagged me with this beautiful quotes tag. The rules are that you will have to pen down five quotes from five of your favourite books. So here goes!
* "...milliseconds influence centuries."
What If... by Robert Cowley

* "Satan laughs at our work, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray."
The Kneeling Christian

* "Often our feelings lie beneath the surface,Hidden by the smiles we wear upon our faces;emotions are concealed, we bear our sorrows on our own,Grown-ups only cry when they're alone."
Never Give It Up by Shelia Walsh
Never Give It Up by Shelia Walsh

* "Stalin's concentration camps were the only place in Russia where people could really criticise the state. Freedom came only in captivity."
Star Warriors by William J. Broad
* "Seemingly senseless pain and trauma engulfs much of life. If you seek to follow Him, you must be content to trust His character rather than your ability to understand. The difference between a knife in the hand of an assassin and a knife in the hand of a surgeon is intent: both inflict severe pain. You must decide whether God is an assassin or a surgeon. But remember, your choice does not change God, only your opinion."
Thoughts From the Diary Of A Desperate Man by Walter A. Henrichsen
There are many other books which have really developed me but the above are what come to mind when i think about what I think.
Thanx Keshi...HUGS
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