19 November 2009


i fell in love
i never knew
i realized late
that i loved you

the feeling i had
was strong and warm
i was confused
but u, me did charm

i cried for you
when you weren't there
i prayed for you
again and again

i felt your bliss
when you were happy
and this made me
more and more happy

i missed you a lot
when you were not here
i craved for you
because you are my dear

yet i was a fool
i did not realize
that i actually loved you
which i saw in your eyes

the same was the case
my beloved with you
such cases experience
people very few

I never realized
that you loved me
but that love in my eyes
you did see

now that we both
love each other
i wish that we never
part from one another

we will love each other
no matter we are how far
the god will bind us forever
coz for each other made we are

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