04 November 2009

Thank You !!!

Though I have not been a regular visitor to deities and temples, But I wanna Thank you, Lord for a thousand over times. Every time, the weight to the head gets added, it’s only Your love that has humbled me back to reality. Because Your love is perfectly manifested in every inch of me…

*From the day I was a single cell, it is You who know me perfectly well!

*In the darkness inside my mother’s womb, You saw my parts taking shape, and we have shared secrets, which I have forgotten over the years. Despite, You remember every single secret of me!!

*You marveled at my every move inside the darkness.

*You made a miracle of my life, when you brought me out to see the world, when my vocal chords were moved for the first cry!

*When I was too small to know the value of life, You sent angels in people to nourish it…

*There were many a times, when I have stumbled, knocked down, so hard that getting up seemed difficult. But, You did not give up on me.

*I have gone astray, wayward, but every time, You gave me another chance! You replenished my soul, and revealed Your unconditional self!

*In those days, when I was young enough to appreciate the value of my life, You worked through Your plans, and they were just perfect!

*You did not mimic me as another human. You made me unique.

*Everytime I ran to You nagging, ranting and complaining, You only smiled, which meant to say, nothing can be any better than this perfection!

*Everytime I came fretting, You calmed the storm within!!

You are wonderful, just the way You are!! What else do I need, dear Lord, than this perfect blend of joy and pain. I am glad I knew both, have been through both, and even glad that You are beside me in each. What better perfection can I ask for? Just grant me two things: To be honest in all I do, to never be rich or poor, in any terms, just give me what You feel I need, because sometimes I fail to know the difference between needs and wants!! What better right do I own of myself? Each day added to the life is Your gift, isn’t it?

Now, I surrender, with the ultimate faith that, you, the writer-director of my story, who led me in a time I didn’t know my worth, will lead me and provide me all years to come! All I can say at this moment is: I love You, Lord!! Take hold of me, and attune me, even if I become unfaithful, and please, never give up on me!!

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