01 February 2010


Sometimes the physical absense of an entity is so hard to ingest into your system...isnt it ?

You can see that things are not gonna change from what they are, yet you cant bring yourself upto gulping it down.

Its at these moments you feel like you have used all your energy.....

Missing, craving, waiting, crying, wanting, needing...and still it never seems to cease embarking its existence on the lonesome grave.

The lament is too high, the pain is too deep.

And then the pinnacle of uncertainty glides into your heart, creating humungous tidals waves of doubts and questions.

Is tomorrow, just a figment of imagination rooted deep into the crust of infinity ?

Is tomorrow, just the concept of a loner's pain of eluding the sting of nullness ?

A million questions run across your mind in a million milliseconds, yet no answer shows up.

You keep drawing circles, knowing you're gonna keep doing that for a long long time. Coz the vantage point you're looking for, is somewhere hidden in between the lines of the unseen tomorrow.

Aah.........the tomorrow !!!

Whose sole mission is catapulting the innumerable neutrons of maelstroms onto the translucent membrane of emotions called 'LOVE' that wraps this innocent heart....

Making this innocent heart, ever more fragile....

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