02 September 2013

"The wise say that there are three kinds of people in the world. There are people who never learn anything one way or another; there are people who learn from their own mistakes, eventually and with great pain; and then there are the really wise people who learn from other's mistakes and spare themselves the suffering. And I’m definitely in that middle category. I’m an empiricist. IA lot of stuff I have to fail at spectacularly, in person, in order to understand it."


With the current state of mind, this quote goes really well...
"You can tell yourself that you have already decided, that nothing now can stop you, but if that step backwards is so much safer than step forwards, what will hold you true to your path when the going gets tough? Sometimes, the right thing to do is to take that first irreversible step, the one after which you cannot go back. And now, for you, is one of those times."

22 July 2013

Stupid Ramblings!!!

You can lie to some people all the time
You can lie sometimes to all people


You can’t lie to all people all the time.

This is were you have to wear a mask… to blend in with the rest of the jokers.
I hate masks. But they are a social obligation…
Not like I ever felt comfortable at these forced efforts of conviviality.

Its So Surprising, Actually!

... How fast time passes by.
How you block out things you thought were most important. 
How much things change.
How many emotions one person can make you feel and not in a good way. 
How there are certain days when the sun shines so bright outside that it hurts your eyes but it refuses to dispel the darkness that tiptoes around your aura threatening to engulf you. (wow, that's dramatic)
How some feelings never change. 
How some feelings change so much that you wonder why you felt them in the first place. 
How long you can go without the things that you loved the most.
How much you can change, as a person, over the short period of one year. 
How different a person you actually are from who you thought you were.
How much effort it takes to put a smile on your own face just to ensure that people don't wonder why you always have a hangdog expression.
How little it takes to fall apart.
How much you have missed out on in a world that was your world.

How cynical you have become of pretty much everything.

How long it has been since you actually had a bar of good, solid, comforting chocolate.

How small things that you left in the past come back to make you smile.
How much courage you get in knowing that you are strong enough to still want to say bring it on. 
How much happiness it infuses in you to know that someone still needs your shoulder and loves you deeply. 
How brilliant it is to have a group of people who just let you be and make you laugh.
How much hope it gives you that those people might let you call them your friends. 
How much it means to know that someone is trying to make you laugh despite everything.

How much it means when someone believes in you with a steadfastness you have yet to see in others' eyes.

A long way, I have come.
A long way, I have to go.

On the Lookout for a HOME

There's this word "HOME" that has been haunting me from so many days.
Only thing is it isn't JUST a word. Its what we look for throughout our lives.

As much as people would like to believe, home is not the interiors and decorations inside the four walls of a house.
It's a sense of security. It's your comfort zone. It's the place where you can be happy, where you can just be YOU.
It's more than just high quality paint, large bay windows, or the view of the park across the street. It's everyone's escape. Escape from the hardships of life. Escape from troubles or worries.
It's a permanent place. And we're constantly trying to find it. 

I could have 1,2,3 or even 4 houses, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have found my home.
You too? You feel the same? Well, then that makes the two of us.
Some are lucky enough to find home in their time of need.
Luck's never been a good friend to me. It keeps bailing on me when I need it the most.
I need home. I want home. Desperately. 
And I have no idea where to look for it.

My friends aren't home, nor is my family.
But I can't stop looking. I'm tired, and want to give up, but I need to find it.
Because it's the ONLY thing that can get me through.
It's the only thing that can get anyone through. And I won't stop trying to find it.

But sometimes, I just really hope, that my home will come and FIND me instead.
The one safe place. That can shelter me. HOPE is ever searching word.
And the MOST important - I hope I find it IN me.
Home. Home, sweet home. Please give me a roof upon my head, because the storm ain't getting any softer.
I need it. So bad.
Hopefully we all find it soon enough.
Before it's too late.

[PS: I miss S so much, but S doesn't care, What's new?]

Finally!! I am Back :)

Two years in hibernation made me realize how important was writing and blogging in my life. There was always this small part of me which was void, but at the same time, wanting to burst out. Its such a great feeling to be back once again. So, will start my blogging activity with a quote which I found recently browsing through internet and that perfectly described ME :P

They say that there are three kinds of people in the world. There are people who never learn one way or another anything; there are people who learn from their own mistakes, eventually and with great pain; and then there are the really wise people who learn from other people’s mistakes and spare themselves the suffering. And I’m in that middle category. I’m an empiricist. A lot of stuff I have to fail at spectacularly, in person, in order to understand it."

Elizabeth Gilbert