22 July 2013

On the Lookout for a HOME

There's this word "HOME" that has been haunting me from so many days.
Only thing is it isn't JUST a word. Its what we look for throughout our lives.

As much as people would like to believe, home is not the interiors and decorations inside the four walls of a house.
It's a sense of security. It's your comfort zone. It's the place where you can be happy, where you can just be YOU.
It's more than just high quality paint, large bay windows, or the view of the park across the street. It's everyone's escape. Escape from the hardships of life. Escape from troubles or worries.
It's a permanent place. And we're constantly trying to find it. 

I could have 1,2,3 or even 4 houses, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have found my home.
You too? You feel the same? Well, then that makes the two of us.
Some are lucky enough to find home in their time of need.
Luck's never been a good friend to me. It keeps bailing on me when I need it the most.
I need home. I want home. Desperately. 
And I have no idea where to look for it.

My friends aren't home, nor is my family.
But I can't stop looking. I'm tired, and want to give up, but I need to find it.
Because it's the ONLY thing that can get me through.
It's the only thing that can get anyone through. And I won't stop trying to find it.

But sometimes, I just really hope, that my home will come and FIND me instead.
The one safe place. That can shelter me. HOPE is ever searching word.
And the MOST important - I hope I find it IN me.
Home. Home, sweet home. Please give me a roof upon my head, because the storm ain't getting any softer.
I need it. So bad.
Hopefully we all find it soon enough.
Before it's too late.

[PS: I miss S so much, but S doesn't care, What's new?]

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