what is boredom?
is it when u crave for company every second of the day
and can’t stand people for more than two minutes at a stretch?
is it when you can’t wait for the class to get over
and actually curse the college ‘coz they gave you a half day?
is it when you pick up a book you have been dying to read for almost a month
and look for the smallest excuse to put it down?
is it when ur sitting in a classroom training session and
listening to the rant of the instructor who just doesnt stop!!!!!!!
is it when you go off for a walk by yourself to feel refreshed
and actually come back feeling even more tired in both body and soul?
is it when you have 10 movies to choose from
and end up not watching any ‘coz u just couldn’t make up your mind?
is it when you have been looking forward to your friend’s big b’day bash for days
and the night before lie about some important engagement so you won’t have to go?
is it when you log in to gtalk to wile away your time
and end up saying brb to everybody just to hide the fact that you have nothing to say?
is it when you spend an hour digging in the computer for your favourite songs
and turn off the playlist in the middle of the very first song?
is it when you fight with your roomie to turn off the light at nine so you can sleep
and end up lying in bed till 5 in the morning trying to find a way around your insomnia?
is it when you make exorbitant plans for your life to pass time
and can’t think of three good reason why you should be alive?
is it when you have fought for freedom all your life
and can’t bear the desolation it actually brought?
if it is….then it seems that i am suffering from an advanced case of boredom....
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