I have always been called a loner…moody and complex. But I beg to differ…I am just choosy about whom I want in my life. (Though it helps if you shop at victoria’s secret :P). Maybe that’s the reason I like blogging so much…its a nice place to know like minded people.
I have been told I am rather indifferent to a lot of things and people. My friends say it stems from my ADH disorder but I don’t think it has anything to do with my medical condition. If I like you I like you…period!! You can’t force your friendship on me…rather if you try and do that you are just pushing me further away. People don’t grow on me…so if you are an idiot, you are an idiot…there are no two ways about it.
I have about 117 odd people in my orkut list outta which I might have just sent a friends request to only about 20 odd people. I thought I’ll be nice to people for a change there…but I am sorry to say that doesn’t come naturally to me. Now compare this to my FB where my list is limited to only about 30 people, I have about 60 friend requests pending there ‘coz I just don’t want those people in my life anymore.
Anyway the point here is I just don’t care what someone thinks about me…what I care about is what I think about that someone ‘coz that’s gonna decide how important that person is gonna be in my life.
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