22 December 2009


Life hasnt been too great this year .. but life has indeed been really generous too at times especially the last few months of the year...showering enormous happiness of its kind in life's own mysterious ways.. Well you will say, every year is the same .. Some memories treasures, some pains put to grave.. the stout lady success taking more time to come than to go while the lithe woman named destiny keeps moving here and there.. No offense meant to my dear Gods .. I know and understand ( rarely though) that you are just doing a fair mathematics of my good and bad deeds,thoughts and words. So I accept the days to come with a more positive smile.. Everything happens for good .. Let's hope so !

14 December 2009

YOU !!!!

I find it wonderful the way God has created our perfect friend for us within us. We keep searching for a loyal friend and the unconditional companionship that such a friendship may promise, only to find it was inside us all along.

In the depths of gloominess you can still the light somewhere; far off may be, but yes you do. And while the rest of the world can walk out on you, you will always have yourself. No one can ever crush your spirit or hurt you in any way unless you give them the power to do so.

May be .....

Maybe … we can tell the good from the bad, but we need the bad to make us realize the worth of goodness.

Maybe … dreams are to take us away from reality; go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you dream of, and want to do.

Maybe … it is all part of a bigger plan of God that we meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right one, we'll appreciate more and hold dear to us.

Maybe … we really won't appreciate what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don’t know what we have been missing until it arrives.

Maybe … I should keep hoping for enough happiness to make me sweeter, enough trials to make me stronger, enough sorrow to keep me humble and human, and enough tragedies to make me wiser.

Maybe … happiness is all in the head and people don't have to have the best to be happy; Most of them are just making the most of what they have and finding pleasures in little little things that comes along their way.

Maybe … you should do something nice for someone every single day, even if it is simply to leave them alone. Yes my friend made me realize long back that is also a nice thing and hence I quote.

Maybe … a best friend is him who understands that my silence has words and he hears what I am going through and knows how to cheer me up.

Maybe … a fast forward button is not the reason we were given life, life is about the ups and downs, the fast and the slow, the mighty and the weak, we have to see if everything was worth it in the end, and hence live through one moment at a time.

Maybe … there are moments in life when you miss someone — a parent, a spouse, a friend, a child — so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real, so that once they are around you appreciate them more.

Maybe … love isn't about expectations, it is all about giving. The moment you expect love dies. One should know love from selfishness. Love is selfless.

Maybe _ all you can do is not think. Not wonder. Not obsess. Not imagine. Just breathe. Breathe in, breathe out. Everything works out in the end, and the more time you spend worrying about it, the longer it takes for things to end perfectly...just the way they should.

Maybe _ you have to be strong for yourself, I have to know that I am a good person and a good friend. What is meant to be will end up good, and what is not, won't. Relationships are worth fighting for, but sometimes you can't be the only one fighting. At times, people need to fight for you. If they don't, you must move on and realize what you gave them was more than they were willing to give you. Hopefully, people realize great things when they come around and don't lose something real. Always fight, until you can't anymore, and then be fought for.

"Love happens only once, the rest is just life." :D :D :D

The Walk

I persuaded myself to walk further. The corridor seemed endless. I hadn’t a clue where I was heading, but I knew something at the end of that tunnel invited me. It was a fine stream of light, the one that could only come from something as brilliant as warm sunshine.

My path had been a difficult one. When I started this journey, it was a dark, lonely one. I remember their kind whispers, the loving support… those words that said over and over so they may reach my almost dead heart. They had reached me… how else would I have found the courage to start this journey into the unknown?

Bitter-sweet moments; they didn’t make me cry anymore. I remember everything that had happened. Etched on my heart were secrets untold, and upon revealing, you’d see the person in an entirely new perspective. Memories flashed before my eyes; days of innocent love, sleepless nights filled with strange voids. I remembered certain, strange warmth… I remembered being protected, the magic, the aura… I danced in pure happiness. I remember fears and I remember pushing them aside. I stop. They start hurting again, i mean ... those lovely memories… the lonesome moments here with myself again.


I finally see light at the end of this tunnel and I can tell by the look of it that it’s pure, warm sunshine. I hear their whispers in my ears, the notes of support they chanted to me when getting up and starting was the hardest thing to do. Aimless though it was, I now discover it’s only the beginning that demands most of our courage. Their words echo and I can feel their happiness. I have finally found the light that will show me where I’m heading. I have no regrets… what we had is just been and gone. The moments that made me cry now only bring happiness. I’m happy because it happened. I bring my hand to my heart, whisper my gratitude to the ones who were at my back, telling me they’ll catch me if I fall. My friends, my well wishers, my loved ones… I have come to the light. The tears only made me stronger and I kept your words close to my heart.

This is the end and I already know I have arrived to a new beginning. It’s a wonderful sight. I can see the sun shining, I see the world smiling back to me. I feel loved. Yes, this is my destiny. I’m here people! I’m here and I’m back. The love, the care, the affection… it brought the warm sunshine in me back.

I’ll shine!

29 November 2009

Mind, Eyes and Tears !!!

Eye is like the earth...
When tears are like the ocean.
There is no moon here...
But just the emotion to cause tides.
There is land...
Of vivid coloured imaginations.
I boarded a ship...
To travel into my mind;
But I didnt see any colours,
Only an eternal darkness.
Was it 'coz of the night time?
Or was my mind blank??

So Far Away From Me !!

I have an unbelievable version of “So Far Away From Me” by Dire Straits sung live at Sydney. Its acoustic and you can hear the whole crowd sing (and hum along) with Mark Knopfler, throughout the song.

Its truly a goose pimply experience….I promise you, if you already like the song, you will drool on it, on the other hand, if you dont, you will fall in love with the genius called Knopfler.

If you cannot lay your hands on this, let me know, if I am around, will share this with you :-)

(My recent resolution – if Knopfler ever comes back to India, even its Bihar, I am running down to their concert).

Sit by Vikram Seth

Sit, drink your coffee here; your work can wait awhile.
You are twenty-six, and still have some of life ahead.
No need for wit; just talk vacuity, and I’ll
Reciprocate in kind, or laugh at you instead.

The world is too opaque; distressing and profound,
The twenty minutes’ rendezvous will make my day.
To sit here in the sun, with grackles all around.
Staring with beady eyes, and you two feet away.

(This could easily have been my poem on a Sunday morning, or a Friday evening, or a everyday lazy morning. I feel strongly that the cup of “poison” (be it wine, coffee, chai) is more than just that, its a process by which two people can connect over meaningless nothings. The more faster our lives become, the more we keep losing this ritual. Can we please save it for me? (Seriously) It means a lot to me. I believe, this is all that I shall carry to my grave. The rest will (g)race and pass past me in those final moments :-))


I waltz,
With my shadow,
When they are long,
To hold my hand;
Into the night.

I dance to the whispers
Of wind passing by.
I hum notes of joy,
For having you close by.

Twilight ends,
And comes a time,
When I part with you again,
Silently, into the night.

27 November 2009

A thought on thoughts !!!!

My thoughts,
they dive
into the blue ocean..
Drinks away its blue!

It flies to the sky,
and whispers to the sky,
the secret,
to be blue..

The sun then comes,
in his reddish attire.
Stealing his clothes,
my thoughts run away..
And the sun hides,
behind the veil of the night.

Then my thoughts try,
to fly, far far away.
But a chain clings,
that says, the thoughts are still mine!!

26 November 2009

Freedom !!!!

Freedom, is when I fly,
Into the starless skies
And sprinkle the white paint,
Drawing my own stars!

Freedom, when I sit,
By the river side,
Stirring its silence,
Making the moon in her
Dance to my ripples.

Freedom is when I am mesmerized,
In the smile of a kid,
The innocent, greed-less smile,
Clad in his torn clothes.

Freedom is when I am lost,
Looking in your eyes.
In the world of love,
For us, to be together,
For ever and always!!

Divine Feelings !!!!

Of a relation,
I'll sing;
Of a curtain,
I'll sing.

A curtain,
That caught fire.
One part burning,
And one part waiting.

Yet to burn;
Fell in love,
With the one on fire.

Eternity of longing,
Minutes of whispers,
Seconds of silence,
It all ends-

In just one divine kiss!

26/11 Today !!!!


Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today...

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

-John Lennon

21 November 2009


Emotions carbuncle d
Sweeping me into its abscess
A depth so rare, to where
A visit, these days, i dare

No longer do i feel alone
With thoughts in company
A lap, i lay things down to rest
Bare it all out, swing back up
Feeling strong and relieved

A release of sorts, anchor
the well-being of my soul
Makes me laugh at instances i cried foul
Let free of the bondage unnecessary
Which so often I tend to carry

Healing on its way, i do not sway
steady, plunge and lead each day
come what may, i see the ray
hid behind the carbuncles at life’s bay

20 November 2009


here i lie with you alone
in the dark starry night
thinking about our deep love
that with all odds can fight

in the dark starry night
the moon smiles down upon us
thinking about our deep love
it casts an envy shadow on us

the moon smiles down upon us
with its tranquility and calmness
it casts an envy shadow upon us
because the love it experienced is less

with its tranquility and calmness
the night bows its head before us
because the love it experienced is less
as our love is more and there's in it no fuss

i love you with the depth of my heart my angel
and the love the rest experienced is less
like the moon or the stars or the night
with their tranquility and calmness

PS : my 1st Pantoum....wow !!!.i.didnt realise i could try this form of poetry....!!!

19 November 2009


its wings
like that of
cute lovely little birds,
or of sweet charming butterflies,
flies far away so very quickly
leaving behind nothing but just unnoticed ash
of decayed pain and sorrow and forgotten bliss
wings of time...

PS : i really like the pic... :) ...


i fell in love
i never knew
i realized late
that i loved you

the feeling i had
was strong and warm
i was confused
but u, me did charm

i cried for you
when you weren't there
i prayed for you
again and again

i felt your bliss
when you were happy
and this made me
more and more happy

i missed you a lot
when you were not here
i craved for you
because you are my dear

yet i was a fool
i did not realize
that i actually loved you
which i saw in your eyes

the same was the case
my beloved with you
such cases experience
people very few

I never realized
that you loved me
but that love in my eyes
you did see

now that we both
love each other
i wish that we never
part from one another

we will love each other
no matter we are how far
the god will bind us forever
coz for each other made we are


There is something that I see
In the way you look at me
There's a smile, there's a truth in your eyes

But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

There were times I ran to hide
Afraid to show the other side
Alone in the night without you

But now I know just who you are
And I know you hold my heart
Finally this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all along

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved all along

Over and over
I'm filled with emotion
Your love, it rushes through my veins

And I am filled
With the sweetest devotion
As I, I look into your perfect face

It's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long
And it is you I have loved
It is you I have loved
It is you I have loved all along

08 November 2009

MY LOVE !!!! :-)

I love myself more than ever,
when I smile for you,
when I cry for you,
when I live for you, and
when I say I love you.

I love you more than myself,
when I feel your love,
when I enjoy your presence,
when I respect your thoughts, and
when I imagine our future.

05 November 2009

Random Quote :-)

PS : I'm a big fan of Brad Pitt...and this movie "Meet Joe Black" is one my favorites. A quote from the movie had really got me spellbound :-)

Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with? Fall head over heels. I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart. I'm not hearing any heart. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.

04 November 2009

Thank You !!!

Though I have not been a regular visitor to deities and temples, But I wanna Thank you, Lord for a thousand over times. Every time, the weight to the head gets added, it’s only Your love that has humbled me back to reality. Because Your love is perfectly manifested in every inch of me…

*From the day I was a single cell, it is You who know me perfectly well!

*In the darkness inside my mother’s womb, You saw my parts taking shape, and we have shared secrets, which I have forgotten over the years. Despite, You remember every single secret of me!!

*You marveled at my every move inside the darkness.

*You made a miracle of my life, when you brought me out to see the world, when my vocal chords were moved for the first cry!

*When I was too small to know the value of life, You sent angels in people to nourish it…

*There were many a times, when I have stumbled, knocked down, so hard that getting up seemed difficult. But, You did not give up on me.

*I have gone astray, wayward, but every time, You gave me another chance! You replenished my soul, and revealed Your unconditional self!

*In those days, when I was young enough to appreciate the value of my life, You worked through Your plans, and they were just perfect!

*You did not mimic me as another human. You made me unique.

*Everytime I ran to You nagging, ranting and complaining, You only smiled, which meant to say, nothing can be any better than this perfection!

*Everytime I came fretting, You calmed the storm within!!

You are wonderful, just the way You are!! What else do I need, dear Lord, than this perfect blend of joy and pain. I am glad I knew both, have been through both, and even glad that You are beside me in each. What better perfection can I ask for? Just grant me two things: To be honest in all I do, to never be rich or poor, in any terms, just give me what You feel I need, because sometimes I fail to know the difference between needs and wants!! What better right do I own of myself? Each day added to the life is Your gift, isn’t it?

Now, I surrender, with the ultimate faith that, you, the writer-director of my story, who led me in a time I didn’t know my worth, will lead me and provide me all years to come! All I can say at this moment is: I love You, Lord!! Take hold of me, and attune me, even if I become unfaithful, and please, never give up on me!!

Only You :-)


So thundering,

Only you can noise and deafen!


So monstrous it stands,

Only you can fill!


So black and consuming,

Only you can brighten!


Wakening with agony,

Only you can peace!


Unsure of the future,

Only you can answer!


Stirring the ever so fresh wound,

Only you can soothe!!


Just an everyday survival,

Only you can teach!!

Oh my dear,

Oh my dear!

Thank you For all the Love :-)

Jobless Rant :P :P

PS: I'm feeling so sick,that I'm not able to concentrate on my work... :( :( I took solace into reading some literary articles...heheheh :-)...I feel so jobless right now.Its 12:24Pm and I'm dead hungry...:( :( Since morning , the following quote by Sir Hugh Walpoe had been tricking in my mind.. :)

The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing, it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of Divine accident.

Wonderful quote!!!! :-)

03 November 2009

Laugh :-)

Loud burst of sound,pleasant,
Amusement with high spirits of contentment,
Unconditional joys all around,
Giggling and chuckling in abound,
Hilarious tone,so vibrant..:)

Love will Keep Us Alive :-)

There was a serious discussion on love yesterday at my workplace. My colleague was in utter confusion. She asked me .“How do I know if this is a true love?”

I was confused. Not that I didn’t know what to answer. In fact I answered instantly. I know, it was a very dumb answer just like me hehehe :-) but I seem to have had the answer for this question since ages. Maybe I knew it all the time. And now was only waiting for someone to ask me.LOL :P

“If it’s love it’s true,” I answered.

I was asked.“How do you know it is love then?” I really saw it coming. Nobody would just accept the answer I have given.

It got me thinking.I have never been so thoughtful about my studies as I was thinking so deeply in this matter..heheh :-)..Wish I had concentrated equally while studying...LOL.. I know what love is, I really do. I just don’t know how to express that with words. They don’t seem to be enough. These words seem to be shallow and too small to define it. After having written about love for almost 2 years since I started writing on my earlier blogs, I still cannot find the right words to show what love is. Maybe I am not supposed to? I mean, I am definitely not Shakespeare, and he was good, wasn’t he? Romeo and Juliet still makes me cry every time I read it or watch the play or the movie. But even having all the works of Shakespeare available, people still ask what love is. Though, maybe they haven’t read Shakespeare? Maybe next time someone asks me what love is I will send them to the library instead?

I can go on speaking about love…

true love And in the End, the Love You Take is Equal to the Love you Make

It is being told by one of my blogger friends in a very beautiful way "Lena":

Love is finding peace, solace and comfort in yor beloved's arms.
Love is a great feeling of belonging to someone’s world.
It is an eternal spring in your soul.
It is a permanent smile in your heart.

I can tell you that love is Life.

Love is being happy. Not for yourself. But being happy for the other person.

Life with someone and for someone. When nothing else matters and yet everything does.

For someone that special that when they look at you they touch your soul.
When they smile at you they speak to your heart.
When they kiss you, the world stands still.

Love is when you prefer to be together through hard times rather than having it easy separately.

It is fighting for what you think is right for the both of you. It is holding on and hanging in each time things go wrong. It is supporting each other in the smallest of actions. It is standing by when the whole world turns its back to you. It is being there even if they didn’t ask you. It is knowing that they would do the same.

Love is power. Power of feelings, emotions, faith, beliefs, understanding.

It is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to. And they will not. And no matter what happens between you, no matter how badly you fight or what mistakes you make, you will love that one person without regret for the rest of your life.

Love is missing someone so badly that it aches. It aches every day, every hour, every minute, and only when you are with them does the pain go away.

Love is finding someone so completely perfect for you. Someone who makes you happier than you ever dreamed to be. Someone who touches your life so profoundly and gives you a whole new reason to breathe.

The reason to wake up in the mornings. The reason to live.

And this person will make you happy when you are sad, will understand your imperfections and see through them perfectly, will wait patiently just to hear your voice before they go to bed every night…This person will believe in you and your purpose, and they will be there with you no matter what, no matter when, no matter why… they will be there for you… always and forever.

i love you And in the End, the Love You Take is Equal to the Love you Make

Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?

Love doesn’t always come easy. It is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and not letting go. Even if at times it is really hard. Love is work, love is responsibility. Love is care. The care you give and the care you get. It is sharing. Feelings. Emotions. Thoughts. The Past and the Future. The Present.

Love is also understanding. Understanding that fairy tales don’t just happen. You work for your own fairytale. And you work hard. Every day. Every single hour. Each moment of your life. You adjust, you care, you compromise, you create your own fairytale. You do it together.

Love does not just happen. You find love, and you work hard to make it a beautiful bond of two loving hearts. And if you both work for it, you might be able to create your own fairytale. For a lifetime.

“And in the end, I'm Happy to fall in love with that one special person..over and over again :-)

Only Once In Life :-)

Only once in your life,
I truly believe,
you find someone who can completely turn your world around.

You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.

You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.

When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement.

Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful.

You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.

-Bob Marley

02 November 2009

Rants of an Optimistic Pessimist......

what's life? -without these little tensions and fears?
what's life? -without the feeling when you overcome all blocks?

there were days when i really felt lost and defeated, there were days when i felt no energy to fight back, and there were moments that made me cry, but again, there were these special people in life who never wanted me to quit, accept defeat and cry.. there were hands held out for me to walk, and shoulders to support me, and there were friends who left me amidst all the probs.. there were people who i wished if stayed for long ! and look, there are some left, there are some moving away, and there are some who don't care !

At this moment of time, i know, there were things known and unknown to be, but, there is something that you know, that who you are ! so finally its time I move of, from the residues and left outs of the broken relationships, and making sure, those stay; are worth staying and those leave; worth leaving ! its never easy leaving people behind you in life especially when you are so close to them, and again, its not easy to move on after leaving some people. it definitely creates some void in you, it does generate the incomplete feeling in you, but in the end, realize, its your life, and you decide the way you leave it, either mourn for those who never knew you, or live for those who even understood your silence. !

Relationships in life is such a complicated thing to understand, at times you feel so good to have all relationships around you, and at odd times, you thirst to be left alone. Life is never complete and worth when you neglect relationships, but make sure that the relationships you keep are indeed relationships !

oh yes, its time i quit writing nonsense.. its worthless to read.. i just graved my thoughts, anger and feeling of insecuruty here :) after all its my place to grave things that i am bothered about

30 October 2009

Moments of You and I :-)

Moments of love,
Moments of pain,
Moments of loss,
Moments of gain,
Moments of happiness,
Moments of sorrow,
Moments that came,
And moments that are now,
Moments that you and I,
Have spent,
And will spend hereafter,
Engraved in my heart,
Forever they' ll be,
Will make me feel special for you,
That you're the most precious person,
Till eternity!!!!

28 October 2009

Inverse Relationship.....

I have noticed a very disturbing pattern this week: there is absolutely a very strange inverse relationship between intimacy of relationships and the amount of respect with which human beings treat one another. To put it in plain English, it really bothers me that people who spend lots of time together tend to treat each other so badly. I would never bark orders at a casual acquaintance the way that I yell at my parents when they are asking me to be careful while going to my workplace in the morning and me getting irritated for running late. Nor would I be as quick to nag anyone as easily as I do to my mom.

Sadly, this is coming up because I’ve been treated not-so-nicely by several folks during the past few weeks. I’m grateful that these situations have served as mirrors leading to self-examination, and once again I’ve been reminded that I’m woefully imperfect since I’ve been guilty of harming others with the same sort of behavior that caused so much discomfort for me. And so the question has been gnawing at my brain as I attempt to drift off to sleep at night…why do we continue to hurt the people we love the most?

Tonight as I was reading an article for tomorrow's presentation, I had an old Jesus song taught by a college friend running through my head. The words are:

Rejoice evermore, for this is the will of God…

Pray without ceasing, for this is the will of God…

In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God…In Christ Jesus, concerning you.

This simple song has put me back on track again. I got so caught up in the strange ways that people interacted with me this week that I had forgotten how basic God’s command is for me: Rejoice, pray, give thanks. Not sometimes, but evermore, without ceasing, in everything. All the time. Everywhere.I am one among those people who don't visit temples quite often, but my belief on god is the real existence of my life.

So (as long as I remember this simple song) when I’m disappointed, I’ll give thanks that God has an opportunity to reveal his grace. When I’m hurt and lonely, I’ll pray inviting God to step in to heal the wounds. And when I’m feeling like nobody cares about what I’m going through, I’ll rejoice because God cares, he will always listen. Because with God, the inverse is reciprocal. When I can’t, God can. When I’m broken in half, God is doubled. With God, the inverse nature of my relationships becomes a blessing and I am restored to oneness with all of creation.


PS : Today, I'm in my weirdest moods... a cacophony of voices running in my mind... and music is the only Savior right now....hehe :-)

THIS SONG IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS..its called "she will be loved"--by MAROON 5

here are the lyrics

"She Will Be Loved"

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I've had you so many times but somehow
I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get so insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies
It's compromise that moves us along, yeah
My heart is full and my door's always open
You can come anytime you want

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls

Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved
And she will be loved

[in the background]
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye
Please don't try so hard to say goodbye

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Try so hard to say goodbye

27 October 2009

Make A Promise To Youself :-)

"I will not die an unloved life.

I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit."

Dawna Markova

Book Of Life !!!!

In the book of life every page has two sides: we human beings fill the upper side with our plans, hopes and wishes, but providence writes on the other side, and what it ordains is seldom our goal.
PS : One of my fav. quotes.. :-)

26 October 2009

SMILE !!!!!

Language of
Eternal heart..!!!

~~~~~~KEEP SMILING~~~~~~

23 October 2009

Life Isn't About !!!


Life isn’t the bundle of roses,

Life isn’t the snow clad ground,

Life isn’t all what you want,

Life isn’t all what you need,

Life isn’t the melody you want to play,

Life isn’t the tune you want to dance to,

Life isn’t the play you direct,

Life isn’t the story you write,

Life isn’t the story you want to narrate,

Life isn’t the dew you wanted to fall on the leaves,

Life isn’t your dream come true,

Life isn’t the morning you desired,

Life isn’t the dusk you wished,

Life isn’t the walk you want to take,

Life isn’t the pages you wanted to read,

Life isn’t the game whose rules you knew,

Life isn’t the guitar tune you wanted to play

Life doesn’t have you as the master,

Life isn’t according to your plans,

Life doesn’t follow your route,

Life isn’t your walk but about your fall,

Life’s isn’t the red rose but the thorns attached,

Life doesn’t believe in happily after,

Life believes in death traps which are rose tinned,

Life isn’t the gamble in your favor,

Life doesn’t want the best for you,

Rather it wants you to choose what can be the best!

Love !!!


Falling for you again

On this starry night

Rebirth, I don’t believe in

Eternal love, I believe in
Vowing myself to you

Etching your name in my heart
Recollecting the golden times

You and me spent together

Over years, till my last breath

Urging to be only with you

Refined will be my heart

Soulmate of my life

22 October 2009

Open the mind’s window,see the light….

* My first attempt at a non-net. A non-net is a literary poetic form of 9 lines consisting of 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 syllables respectively. It may or may not be rhyming…

Today I shall open my window,

Like a stranger you I did see,

By darkness I was blinded,

Now I can see thee friend,

My angels guide me,

Show you to me,

I see light,

I am,





The woman in me

Needs to look
beyond horizons.
Wants to fly
In the golden sky

The woman in me..

Needs to dream
In colors of a rainbow
Beauty aglow
Wants to reach

The woman in me

Dances in rain
With kids on the lane
Sings with the birds
Songs absurd

The woman in me

Waiting to utter
Feelings aflutter
Slowly unfolding
secrets multiform

The woman in me



Falling down from heaven
Flowing to a side to pool up
Between you kiss my cheeks
Refresh all my lost senses

You are not the same to everyone
To some you are precious
To some you are a disaster
To me, you are my best friend

You bring me a sweet smile
You dont show off my tears
Your tiniest form is a joy
Your presence I always Enjoy

You are an art, you are a song
You are a beauty, you are a charm
You are not often there
But still, you are special

Dear Rain Drop,
My heart falls open when I stand in you
I feel no sorrow I feel no pain,
I feel so complete when I am with you..!!!


20 October 2009

Tiring Tag :-)

I've been tagged by the Yellow Tulip

RULES: Respond and rework – answer these questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own, and add one more question to the list. Then tag eight or ten other new set of people...Well ! I'm not gonna tag anyone... and annoy them :P

1. What is your current obsession? Day Dreaming

2. What are you wearing today? White T-Shirt and Blue Tracks

3. What’s for dinner? Awesome Fish Curry and rice :-)

4. What’s the last thing you bought? Rahman Concert tickets ...yippie

5. What are you listening to right now? A way back into love

6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? Yellow Tulip, she’s a great poet and friend!! She takes to new forms of poetry like a duck to water!

7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Hawaii

8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? Cotton shirts and sunscreen (my skin gets rashes easily :( )

9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To Bangalore... to meet my friend

10. Which language do you want to learn? Spanish

11. What’s your favorite quote? “Life is not about how many breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away”

12. Who do you want to meet right now? That's a secret!..hehehe

13. What is your favorite color? Black

14. What is your dream job? Don’t have one…

15. What’s your favorite magazine? PC Quest

16. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? Nothing, it’s almost midnight. Shops closed.

17. What do you consider a fashion faux pas?? No comment

18. Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon? Allison Sweeney in The Biggest Loser

19. What kind of haircut do you prefer? Not too short, yet trim

20. What are you going to do after this? Sleep

21. Who is your favorite sport star? Roger Federer

22. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without? I can survive…thanks.

23. What inspires you? Nature

24. Give us three styling tips that always work for you: a smile, dressing smart, not sweating too much… lol

26. Would you prefer coffee or tea? Lemon juice

28. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed? Gaze at stars

29. What is the meaning of your name? Never tried figuring out :-)

30. Which other blogs do you love visiting? Too many to name

31. Favorite Dessert/Sweet? Chocolates

32. Favorite Season? Monsoon

33. If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me? Kitchen closed, sorry!!

34. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you? Ignore them

35. What are you afraid of the most? Losing my friends and loved ones because of my mistake

36. What do you love most about yourself? I’m practical

Ahhh...this tag was so tiring...I tag Priya, Maddy, Shravan and Steph

17 October 2009

In the Search of Infinity...

Empty mind is a wanderer. The most notorious kid and the most brilliant minds can't think of what an empty mind can. Sometimes it just lets one weave a nice web of dreams and sometimes it just shatters everything... even what seems real!!!

Mind takes wherever nothing can, to the skies, to the oceans, even to the heart and dreams of yours. It all seems so real when one is traveling. It all seems to be nice, but one realizes the reality when ones back.

Empty mind has no limits, no inhibitions. It goes away with someone and comes back with something. It lives a life of its own... free like a bird!!!
It has nothing to fear of, nothing to worry about... what it knows is whats gonna come... just when and how?

It has no limit... imagination begins from where it ends in real life... and thats where the search of Infinity begins!!!

A life of dreams, and a dream from thousands... its all here... Search from the infinity and make it yours!!!



Along the path of lonely life we stroll
Our life awaits the chance that it be whole

When we're alone in all our journeys there
We cast upon our traveling scene dispair

Though the seeds of love were clearly sewn
And love has not been found or fully known

We wait the chance that love will come our way
And look for it with every passing day

Though we have some romance in our living
Pangs we feel, for never really giving

To another who gives their heart willing
For a heart that's waiting for fulfilling

Along life's path we can all be partaking
Of a love in wait that's yet awakening

And if love is found on some fateful day
Life be fulfilled, when true love comes your way
Manifestations of a mortal life
Shrouded in lovelorn nights,
Hearts set aflutter with desire,
As moths drawn to the burning lights,
Rekindled embers of a forgotten ire.

Glasses of scorned amour,
Show the stony soul of an angelic form,
Laughter effusing from the bewitched lure,
Mocking despondent passions bygone.

Black velvet skies part for golden hues,
Phantom dreams melt into earthen moulds,
Perhaps rejuvenated by a virginal muse,
Manifestations of a mortal life, behold

Diwali Wishes

Happy Diwali everyone!!

May this Diwali be a harbinger of the best of luck, laughter and happiness for all of you.

May this Diwali be as bright as ever.

Have a wonderful time and spread cheer and smiles among everyone.

15 October 2009

October is the month... A season of festivals approaching!
I woke up this morning...rubbing my eyes... pushing myself out of the bed, completely disinterested! I could hear my mom screaming at me that I would get late for the office. But sometimes when she screams this way, instead of getting irritated or mad at her, I smile and run to hug her! Her screams are my way of life now... and I am completely in awe of my mom... her zest towards life, the way she flashes that humble and sweet smile occasionally... Love her!

Hyderabad has not felt the cold chill yet. As the day approaches, a bleak ray of sun... a foggy morning... dew drops on the leaves and the feeling of wanting to be hugged by someone to beat the chill... I love it. As the day ends, a blanket of mist over the city, wishing everyone a good night... so that Hyderabad cuddles under this blanket and wait for another day... this is October here.

The markets decorated... people selling all kinds of stuff... from little things to decorate your house, to cart-pullers with their carts loaded with diyas...from gift items to crackers. After Dussehra, its Diwali time. This time of the year, it feels great to be a girl... helping mom with all the preparations at home, getting dressed up beautifully in a salwar kameez or a saree and greeting everyone coming your home with a big smile, a hug, loads of sweets and wishes. Festivals are that part of the year when all your problems seem to take a back seat and you are ready to let your hair loose and party!

This Diwali... I wish each one of you a happy life ahead. May these lights brighten up your day, your future. May Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi shower their blessings on you! May all the troubles vanish, and may happiness and prosperity be with you always.

Diyas that spread light
Igniting the spirit within
With silent prayers and hopes that now
All will be good
Live it up with joy
Its a day to enjoy!

Here is wishing each one of you and your family members a very happy and a prosperous Diwali. :)

My request... burn crackers, but please be safe!! :D

14 October 2009

Pretentious Reality Realizes Pretense

And then, you realize nothing is worth it after all... people are pretentious and life itself a pretense...

When you wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror... what does it reflect? It is simply an image of yourself, that image which you want to show to the world, the image that suits your needs, the one which is nothing but a facade, a phantasm of what you pretend to be...
A few days back, I entered a restroom wherein I encountered a distorted face staring hard at me... as I moved closer the face grew more and more malformed...Sullen, Smudged, Scratched, and Scarred... that face was my own...When I looked at myself in the broken shards of the mirror...it was only then that I really found myself, my identity, my true self, my reality.

Who am I in reality? The society categorizes me in the shackles of different tags... but I do not want such designations and identifications... I am what I believe I am... and unless and until I do not accept the fact that life is like the broken shards of a mirror, I can do nothing but lie to myself... Pretense has to be identified,realized and replaced with reality...the reality which is difficult to accept gets transformed into pretense and then erupts the vicious circle of a never ending masquerade...

The purpose of life is not just the pursuit of happiness but its fulfillment... Every little thing in life has its essence, its inner beauty which illumines the outer... all we need to do is realize its importance and start valuing it... the garb of pretense needs to be discarded completely to renew our lives with reality... A reality which breathes fresh air even in the environment of polluted pretense!

Chasing Rainbows

Choosing one path, yet
Heart in doubt
Ahead lies the road of life
Smile might fade, but
Inner strength must persist
New heights to be achieved
Graph of the journey is curvy, sometimes

Roses and sometimes thorns
Answers none and questions many
Images familiar yet so strange
Not sad but still not happy
Bright sunlight lies ahead
Orange, red, green and colors many
With hopeful heart I move ahead
Searching and chasing the rainbows.

Everyday Story

And another day goes amidst us,
Who hang like still, full planets, unto ourselves,
Separated by a reeling space.

Widening once, narrowing thence,
Reeling away, again, dizzied.

Tired, with hope, at last.

EYES :-)

What would you be
Hadn’t you those eyes?
Still, dense amber.

Its magical delight
Weaves over my eyes,
Taking in my hands and
My feet.
Till I am bundled into a glance.

Seething, burning
Softly glowing
Fanning your desires
Your eyes, obey you.

And then, one look ,
Becomes, to me, the infallible truth.


What is this bond that exists between two friends?
What is this love that blossoms between two lovers?
Are these just feelings or do they have a deeper
Do these relationships have a reason worth revealing?

Is respect not the first step towards any
Is admiration not the essential ingredient of any
Do a person's thoughts not reflect his character?
Then why do we say that a person's mind and heart
differ from each other?

Can people with different tastes stay together?
Can their superficial wants really hide the principles
that really matter?
Does dedication super cede ambition?

Is the sacrifice of self respect worth the adulation
won by false pretenses?
Is it fair to term confidence and self esteem as
Is accumulation of wealth the only sign of a life
lived well?
Can questions say what answers can never tell?

13 October 2009

My Journey :-)

Things have a way of coming full circle. We all return to where we start from - whole or in parts - alone or together - we all return home - dead or alive.
Two years ago I left home with a dream in my eyes. A professional dream. A personal dream. A choice. A promise. I left behind people who loved me and travelled in search of more. More what? I did not know then.

Now I do. It has been a good two years. I have grown. Professionally, I have blossomed into my independence.
Personally, I have reveled in my loneliness. I have made the very lonely trip into the dark corners of my heart, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone to share my life with.

I have, almost always, met unrecognizable reflections of myself on the way. Gruesome reflections. Sadder and darker versions of myself. I have doubted and feared myself. I have wounded and pierced my heart. Again and again, till the tears have dried up. I have discovered magic. Touched perfection. Witnessed the birth of pure, distilled beauty. I have burnt in the fires of hell.

Drowned in splashes of tumultuous desire. Become my worst nightmare. And yet, I have retained the conviction to return to loving myself.

In all this, I have managed to romance my dream. In my fear, anger, hate, jealousy, pettiness, melancholy, I have nurtured my soppy romantic idiotic self.

People have told me that my variety of love does not exist in this world, and then have suddenly chanced upon it where they least expected it. People have called my ideas Utopian. And yet these worn out ideas have borne the weight of my dreams all this while. They have salvaged them through the ravages of this material world.

For dreams are lived by mad people. People, like me who can see their dreams in some one's eyes. Tangible dreams. Salty dreams. Silent dreams. Dreams that cuddle up with me and soothe me to sleep on long, cold, lonely nights. Dreams that come without price tags and expectations, without weight and light, without burden and freedom, with out and with in. Dreams that are neither born in, nor borne of needs and wants. A dream that is me. And I am still standing. And so is my dream..