03 August 2009

ABZ OF ME ....

I am back here. where I first started. A change to a different platform only reduced my interest in blogging and I return to the place I call home. I don't think I shall be leaving it again.

Well, it's been ages since I did a tag! and I'm a bit short of inspiration these days for poetry! So I thought I'd take up this tag I found at Sonshu's blog!

A – Available/Single? Single
B – Best Friend? Priya
C - Cake or Pie? Chocolate Cake
D – Drink Of Choice? Lemon Juice,Can i have Vodka plz :P :P
E – Essential Item You Use Everyday? Comb
F – Favorite Color? White
G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? Former to eat, latter to hate
H – Hometown? Hyderabad
I – Indulgence? Chocolates
J – January Or February? February(2 or 3 less days for me to survive)
K – Kids and their names? Will let you know when I have them :P (what a silly question..duh :P)
L – Life Is Incomplete Without? Reading, meeting pals, Blogging,listening to music
M – Marriage date? Right now, no plans to get married.
N – Number Of Siblings? No siblings, one super cousin sis
O – Oranges Or Apples? None (I hate both)
P – Phobias/Fears? Fear of losing losing my dear ones :(
Q – Favorite Quote? ”Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
R – Reason to Smile? I don’t need a reason
S – Season? Monsoon
T – Tag 3 or 4 people? Wait and find out!
U – Unknown Fact About Me? Though I try being practical all times, I'm extremely emotional at heart...phew.. I hate that
V – Vegetable you don’t like? beans
W – Worst Habit? Nail biting
X – X-rays You've Had? Do I have to count?
Y – Your Favorite Food? Chocolate Moose,Cheese cake
Z – Zodiac Sign? Any guesses? ;)

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