01 August 2009


Despite the wrong place in time,

The age where I belong,

The rotations my life takes,

With you I can tag along...

Despite the impediments,

I paved my way through,

There is no fear I can't face,

Knowing my way back to you...

Despite the mishaps,

The distance emerging,

Life's little notions and curves,

Latterly I see us resurging...

Despite the events fake or fact,

I know you will ascend,

Memories I don’t just reminiscence,

Alas! It is them who will comprehend...

Despite the thunders,

that shattering piece of calamity,

I will let eagerness blow,

Dreams believed in are a reality...

Despite the numbness,

I bleed under my skin,

No day have I loved you less,

Come invade me from within...

Despite the yester days,

the light flashes unmistakably,

the sun still shines through my window,

I behold your homecoming blindly...

Despite the wrong turns,

There is still something to return to,

My love is fresh and fragrant,

Undoubtedly I truly madly deeply love you...

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