11 August 2009


Happiness was what i went through yest when i found my 10+ year old tiny diary lost in the stack of books. For i had penned a few verses there and had collected hundreds of fav quotes and poetic lines in it. Those where the blog-less days when I used to write journals and scribbles in notes and diaries.So you can imagine….my elation as if i found a well-hidden-treasure…for me its indeed a treasure!

On that very cloudy dawn,

I felt so down

With a grumpy moan,

I tumbled like a shapeless stone

I was shattered to pieces

With nowhere to take refuge

Words failed to express my state

Nor could I comfort, saying its fate

Grappled with fear

I couldn’t hold back the tear

something inside

surged to explode and flow

Like a dormant volcano

Holding back, inside

I was hesitant as ever, to decide

To let it all recede

Seconds flew fast relieving the pain

And I felt free again, like a crane

For I could understand one or two

And they seem to know me too!

Quote: “How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend”

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