09 August 2009


I am: sweet, friendly, adamant, stubborn, stupid at times (lolz) and brave

I think: too far ahead. Gets me in trouble sometimes

I know: I need to shut up sometimes. But try as I do, I sometimes can’t.

I want: my friends and family always by my side. They are my life.

I have: myself, and a loving parents, who means the world to me.

I wish: can’t tell it now. What if it doesn’t come true

I hate: when my hard work, fails to get results…

I miss: my sweetheart, who was taken away from me, right in front of me and ofcourse the sweet childhood memories

I fear: losing who are dear to me

I feel: luck is on my side (of late, it has been bad luck, hopefully it will change)

I hear: silence.

I smell: chocolate cake (mom’s cooking always attracts my nose!!)

I crave: for love and affection

I search: within me, to understand me, its been impossible till now

I wonder: why my life, is like a cake, with chocolate icing, and pepper on the inside

I regret: not being able to be who I wanted to be. (Time is still there, I can still do it!)

I love: my dad the most (mom, forgive me, but you don’t occupy top spot in my heart)

I ache: when I get a migraine (nowadays, presentations do that to me all the time. )

I am not: perfect.

I believe: in me. (My parents’ do too…)

I dance: well enough

I sing: I do sing well but i feel otherwise. (You’d feel a donkey can bray better than I can ever sing, if u hear me singing)

I cry: rarely. (If I cry, my loved ones cry. I hate to see people cry bcoz of me)

I fight: mostly with mom (considering Im d only kid, that’s obvious!! But reconciliation in 5 mins or less!! )

I write: what my heart says.

I win: friends’ hearts!! (More cherished than any old trophy or medallion!!)

I lose: money. (I forget there is a hole in my wallet and put coins there itself!!)

I never: judge people by their face. (Their heart sometimes speaks a different language!!)

I always: believe in the best. (Always will!!)

I confuse: seminars. (I once gave a electronics seminar, in a Computer class!!)

I listen: fully before speaking my view.

I can usually be found: online. (24/7 would be nearly right!!)

I am scared: of flying cockroaches. (Very difficult to hit with a slipper, they don’t stay in one place!!)

I need: someone to talk to. (I feel better sharing my thoughts when I am down, so I look for someone who I can turn to, to hear me out and console me….But most of the times I end up becoming someone else’s shoulder than for myself).

I am happy about: my life. (It has joy, it has sorrows, just the perfect blend!!)

I imagine: a lot of things. (Being a poet...lolz...lolz, imagination is something God has given me in plentiful, most of which is trash!!)

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