11 August 2009

I WANT TO BE .....

I would want to be, a rainy day,

When little children, come out and play,

With many a smile, not a sorrow,

Rain on them joys, a better tomorrow.

When little rivers, begin to flow,

For little paper boats, to race afloat,

To clean the air, of so much dust,

What the wind can’t do, with a powerful gust.

When farmers have sown, they call me,

To shower on seeds, that gives food aplenty,

That saves a life, from dying of drought,

I want to be, the rain they sought.

When lakes and wells,dry in summer heat,

To make them full, they I must meet,

To give the water,when it is needed most,

To give the hope, when all seems lost.

When gardens dry, scorched by the sun,

To nourish them back, I am the one,

The sun can shine, after I go,

As after the rain, does come the rainbow.

Heat of summer, or winter chill,

Beautiful spring,or autumn still,

Rather than these, I really must say,

What I really want to be, is a rainy day.

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